Thursday, December 29, 2011

UNABRIDGED: The Ron Paul Anti-Racist Encyclopedia

This blog doesn’t limit itself to 30 year old newsletters that nobody saw him write.(1)

Here you get to watch him say what he believes about race and discrimination.

You get to read what he believes directly from quotes in his books and you get to see his actual words and votes from the congressional record.

Here you’ll get to know the Ron Paul that his supporters know and that even former aides know.
Even one former aide that still disagrees with him on foreign policy says with conviction on television that during all the time he knew Ron Paul he knew he wasn’t ‘t a racist or a bigot.
His supporters admire him for the many things and for consistently speaking out against injustice. Among them,
  • He speaks out against racial and ethnic discrimination during debates.
  • He speaks out against racial and ethnic discrimination during interviews.
  • He speaks out against racial and ethnic discrimination in the congressional record.
  • He votes for legislation honoring and advancing African Americans and their interests.
  • He writes against racial and ethnic discrimination in his books all the way back to 1987.
After you finish reading this you’ll see that this is the Ron Paul the media isn’t reporting about.

You’ll see some things here that haven been seen before because no one it seems bothered to dig them up. We submit that Ron Paul not only isn’t a racist but that he can’t be a racist due to his core Libertarian values and beliefs and his personal faith.


Ron Paul: Racist Impossible 

Exhibit A: His Beliefs Demand an Anti-Racist Agenda

"Libertarianism is the enemy of all racism, because racism is a collectivist idea that you put people in categories. You say, well blacks belong here, and whites here, and women here and we don't see people in forms..or gays. You don't have rights because your gays, or women or minorities, you have rights because yo}’re an individual. So we see people strictly as individuals. We get these individuals in a natural way. So it's exactly opposite of all collectivism and it's absolutely anti-racism because we don't see it in those terms. "

-Ron Paul on Bill Moyers Journal, January 4, 2008
Exhibit B: Insists that Courts and The Death Penalty are Racist

“That’s a pretty good question. Because people, somebody asked me yesterday, "When was the last time you ever changed your opinion? And I said well, it's been a while since I've had a major change of opinion, but I try to understand and study and figure out how things work you know and become better at economics and all.

But on that issue (the death penalty), I did have a change of opinion. And I stated this in the debates last go around, they asked…they asked a similar question, ‘when did you change your opinion last?’ And uh, and it, that was just not overnight, but I, my position now is, that since I'm a federal official and I would be a U.S. president, is I do not believe in the federal death penalty and in my book “Liberty Defined”, I explain in it more detail , but basically I make the argument for, uh, against the death penalty but I would not come and say the federal government and the federal courts should tell the states they can't have the death penalty anymore. I don’t go that far.

But no, I just don't think the uh ..with the scientific evidence now- I think I read an article yesterday on the death penalty, and 68 percent of the time they make mistakes. And it’s so racist, too. I think more than half the people getting the death penalty are poor blacks. This is the one place, the one remnant of racism in our country is in the court system, enforcing the drug laws and enforcing the death penalty. I don’t even know, but I wonder how many of those, how many have been executed? Over 200, I wonder how many were minorities? You know, if you're rich, you usually don't meet the death penalty.”

-Ron Paul, Interview with the Concord Monitor Editorial Board, August 18, 2011
Exhibit C: Speaks Out Against Government Legalized Racism as Cruel and Unjust

“No form of political organization, therefore, is immune to cruel abuses like the Jim Crow laws, whereby government sets out to legislate on how groups of human beings are allowed to interact with one another.

Peaceful civil disobedience to unjust laws, which I support with every fiber of my being, can sometimes be necessary at any level of government. It falls upon the people, in the last resort, to stand against injustice no matter where it occurs.
In the long run, the only way racism can be overcome is through the philosophy of individualism, which I have promoted throughout my life. Our rights come to us not because we belong to some group, but our rights come to us as individuals. And it is as individuals that we should judge one another.

Racism is a particularly odious form of collectivism whereby individuals are treated not on their merits but on the basis of group identity. Nothing in my political philosophy, which is the exact opposite of the racial totalitarianism of the twentieth century, gives aid or comfort to such thinking. To the contrary, my philosophy of individualism is the most radical intellectual challenge to racism ever posed.

Government exacerbates racial thinking and undermines individualism because its very existence encourages people to organize along racial lines in order to lobby for benefits for their group. That lobbying, in turn, creates animosity and suspicion among all groups, each of which believes that it is getting less of its fair share than the others.
Instead, we should quit thinking in terms of race—yes, in 2008 it is still necessary to say that we should Stop thinking in terms of race—and recognize that freedom and prosperity benefit all Americans.”

-Ron Paul, ‘The Revolution: A Manifesto”, 2008
Exhibit D: Exposes that Courts Discriminate Against Minorities

“But in order to attract Latino votes, I think, you know, too long this country has always put people in groups. They penalize people because they’re in groups, and then they reward people because they’re in groups.

But following up on what Newt was saying, we need a healthy economy, we wouldn’t be talking about this. We need to see everybody as an individual. And to me, seeing everybody as an individual means their liberties are protected as individuals and they’re treated that way and they’re never penalized that way.

So if you have a free and prosperous society, all of a sudden this group mentality melts away. As long as there’s no abuse — one place where there’s still a lot of discrimination in this country is in our court systems. And I think the minorities come up with a short hand in our court system."

-Ron Paul, CNN Western Republican Debate, October 18, 2011
Exhibit E: Refuses to Back the Unfair Punishment of Minorities

"A system designed to protect individual liberty will have no punishments for any group and no privileges.

Today, I think inner-city folks and minorities are punished unfairly in the war on drugs.
For instance, Blacks make up 14% of those who use drugs, yet 36 percent of those arrested are Blacks and it ends up that 63% of those who finally end up in prison are Blacks. This has to change.

We don’t have to have more courts and more prisons. We need to repeal the whole war on drugs. It isn’t working. We have already spent over $400 billion since the early 1970s, and it is wasted money. Prohibition didn’t work. Prohibition on drugs doesn’t work. So we need to come to our senses. And, absolutely, it’s a disease. We don’t treat alcoholics like this. This is a disease, and we should orient ourselves to this. That is one way you could have equal justice under the law."

-Ron Paul, 2007 GOP Presidential Forum at Morgan State University, September 27, 2007
Exhibit F: Insists that Drug Wars Harms Blacks and Other Minorities Disproportionately

“…the federal war on drugs has wrought disproportionate harm on minority communities.
Allowing for states’ rights here would surely be an improvement, for the states could certainly do a better and more sensible job than the federal government has been doing if they were free to decide the issue for themselves. And although people studying my record will discover how consistent I have been over the years, they will uncover one major shift: in recent years I have dropped my support for the federal death penalty.

It is a dangerous power for the federal government to have, and it is exercised in a discriminatory way: if you are poor and black, you are much more likely to receive this punishment.

We should not think in terms of whites, blacks, Hispanics, and other such groups. That kind of thinking only divides us. The only us-versus-them thinking in which we might indulge is the people—all the people— versus the government, which loots and lies to us all, threatens our liberties, and shreds our Constitution.

That’s not a white or black issue. That’s an American issue, and it’s one on which Americans of all races can unite in a spirit of goodwill. That may be why polls in 2007 found ours the most popular Republican campaign among black voters.”

-Ron Paul, “The Revolution: A Manifesto”, 2008
Exhibit G: Openly Admits That Skin Color should be Irrelevant in Society. That Racism is a Sin.

“Racism is simply an ugly form of collectivism, the mindset that views humans only as members of groups and never as individuals. Racists believe that all individuals who share superficial physical characteristics are alike; as collectivists, racists think only in terms of groups. By encouraging Americans to adopt a group mentality, the advocates of so-called “diversity” actually perpetuate racism. Their intense focus on race is inherently racist, because it views individuals only as members of racial groups.

Conservatives and libertarians should fight back and challenge the myth that collectivist liberals care more about racism. Modern liberalism, however, well-intentioned, is a byproduct of the same collectivist thinking that characterizes racism. The continued insistence on group thinking only inflames racial tensions.

The true antidote to racism is liberty. Liberty means having a limited, constitutional government devoted to the protection of individual rights rather than group claims.

Liberty means free-market capitalism, which rewards individual achievement and competence, not skin color, gender, or ethnicity. In a free market, businesses that discriminate lose customers, goodwill, and valuable employees- while rational businesses flourish by choosing the most qualified employees and selling to all willing buyers. More importantly, in a free society every citizen gains a sense of himself as an individual, rather than developing a group or victim mentality.

This leads to a sense of individual responsibility and personal pride, making skin color irrelevant. Rather than looking to government to correct what is essentially a sin of the heart, we should understand that reducing racism requires a shift from group thinking to an emphasis on individualism.”

-Ron Paul, “What Really Divides Us”, December 23, 2002
Exhibit H: Exposes Political and Media Code Words for Racism.

“Worst of all, the left has gotten away with using “extreme” as a code word for “racist.” The exceedingly thin “evidence” given for the racism allegation is that Ashcroft once voted against the nomination of a federal judge who happened to be black. Never mind that more than 50 other Senators voted with Ashcroft; the left is all to eager to assure us that the only conceivable rationale is that Ashcroft is a racist. This type of smearing, aided and abetted by a complicit media, is at the heart of the left’s efforts to demonize conservatives who dare oppose their unconstitutional agenda.”

– Ron Paul, “The Ashcroft Controversy Exposes Disdain for Conservative Principles”, January 22, 2001
Exhibit I: Speaks Out Racist Government Stereotyping of Wants and Needs

“One of the worst aspects of the census is its focus on classifying people by race. When government tells us it wants information to help any given group, it assumes every individual who shares certain physical characteristics has the same interests, or wants the same things from government. This is an inherently racist and offensive assumption. The census, like so many federal policies and programs, inflames racism by encouraging Americans to see themselves as members of racial groups fighting each other for a share of the federal pie.”

-Ron Paul, “None of Your Business”, July 12, 2004
Exhibit J: Speaks Out Against Racist and Xenophobic Government Profiling

“We can think back no further than July of 1996, when a plane carrying several hundred people suddenly and mysteriously crashed off the coast of Long Island. Within days, Congress had passed emergency legislation calling for costly new security measures, including a controversial “screening” method which calls for airlines to arbitrarily detain passengers just because the person meets certain criteria which border on racist and xenophobic.”

-Ron Paul, “Emotion Should Never Dictate Policy”, January 12, 1998
Exhibit K and L: Stands Against Racist Laws that Intends to Harm What others Called “Cheap Colored Labor”

“The racist effects of Davis-Bacon are no mere coincidence. In fact, many original supporters of Davis-Bacon, such as Representative Clayton Allgood, bragged about supporting Davis-Bacon as a means of keeping cheap colored labor out of the construction industry.”

-Ron Paul, “Repeal of the Davis-Bacon Law”, October 23, 1997, Before the House of Representatives

“The racist effects of Davis-Bacon are no mere coincidence. In fact, many original supporters of Davis-Bacon, such as Representative Clayton Allgood, bragged about supporting Davis-Bacon as a means of keeping `cheap colored labor’ out of the construction industry.”

-Ron Paul, “Introducing the Davis-Bacon Repeal Act”, February 11, 1999, Before the House of Representatives
Exhibit M: Won’t Support Foreign Aid to African Dictators Who Turn Aid into a “Power to Impoverish” their People

African poverty is rooted in government corruption, corruption that actually is fostered by western aid. We should ask ourselves a simple question: Why is private capital so scarce in Africa? The obvious answer is that many African nations are ruled by terrible men who pursue disastrous economic policies. As a result, American aid simply enriches dictators, distorts economies, and props up bad governments. We could send Africa $1 trillion, and the continent still would remain mired in poverty simply because so many of its nations reject property rights, free markets, and the rule of law. As commentator Joseph Potts explains, western money enables dictators like Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe to gain and hold power without the support of his nation’s people. African rulers learn to manipulate foreign governments and obtain an independent source of income, which makes them far richer and more powerful than any of their political rivals. Once comfortably in power, and much to the horror of the western governments that funded them, African dictators find their subjects quite helpless and dependent. Potts describes this process as giving African politicians the “power to impoverish.”

-Ron Paul, “What Should Americans do for Africa?”, July 11, 2005, Before the House of Representatives
Exhibit N: Insists on Congratulating our First African-American President. MLK “Would be Proud”

“With the election behind us, our country turns hopeful eyes to the future. I have a few hopes of my own. I congratulate our first African-American president-elect. Martin Luther King, Jr. certainly would be proud to see this day. We are stronger for embracing diversity, and I am hopeful that we can continue working through the tensions and wrongs of the past and become a more just and colorblind society. I hope this new administration will help bring us together, and not further divide us. I have always found that freedom is the best way to break down barriers. A free society emphasizes the importance of individuals, and not because they are part of a certain group. That’s the only way equal justice can be achieved.”

-Ron Paul, “Hope for the Future”, November 9, 2008
"Exhibit O: Disapproves of Racial and Ethnic Stereotyping by Self Serving Politicians"

“After 200 years, the constitutional protection of the right of the individual to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is virtually gone. Today’s current terminology describing rights reflects this sad change. It is commonplace for politicians and those desiring special privileges to refer to: black rights, Hispanic rights, handicap rights, employee rights, student rights, minority rights, women’s rights, gay rights, children’s rights, student rights, Asian-American rights, Jewish rights, AIDS victims’ rights, poverty rights, homeless rights, etc. Unless all the terms are dropped & we recognize that only an individual has rights, the solution to the mess in which we find ourselves will not be found. The longer we lack of definition of rights, the worse the economic and social problems will be.”

-Ron Paul, “Freedom Under Siege”, by Ron Paul, p. 14-15 Dec 31, 1987
Exhibit P: Published Investment Newsletter Where Race Is Irrelevant. No Mention of Race.

"I also put out an investment type of letter because I’ve always been fascinated by the hard money school and been interested in the gold standard so I put out an investment letter along those lines."

C-SPAN interview on May 29, 1987
Exhibit Q: White Supremacy is Wrong and Immoral

Back in 2007, Ron Paul made it crystal clear during a radio interview:

"I don't. I don't" [want their money]. I think the philosophy of white supremacy is completely wrong. It's I don't [want their support] it just muddies |he water, why would I want THEIR money?"
Exhibit R: Voting Record Earns Moderate to High Marks with the ACLU
ACLU Voting Record for Ron Paul:
Lifetime score: 57%.
Score for 112th Congress: 80%
  • 02/18/2011 Amendment to Defund Planned Parenthood - Voted wrong way (Yea)
  • 02/18/2011 Amendment to Limit Suspicionless Patriot Act Searches -Voted right way (Yea)
  • 03/30/2011 Federally-Funded Private and Religious School Vouchers - Voted right way (Nay)
  • 02/08/2011 Patriot Act Extension - House Vote #1 - Voted right way (Nay)
  • 02/14/2011 Patriot Act Extension - House Vote #2 Voted right way (Nay)
Exhibit S: Insists the Federal Death Penalty Treats the Poor and Those in the Inner City Unjustly
At 4 minutes, 40 seconds.

“You know over the years, I’ve held pretty rigid to all my beliefs but I’ve changed my opinion about the death penalty. For federal purposes, I no longer believe in the death penalty. I believed it has been issued unjustly. If you are rich you get away with it. If you’re poor and you’re from the inner city, you’re more likely to be prosecuted and convicted. And today, with the DNA evidences there’s been too many mistakes, so I am now opposed to the federal death penalty.”

-Ron Paul, 2007 GOP Presidential Forum at Morgan State University, September 27, 2007
Exhibit T: Awarding Congressional Gold Medals to Anyone is Not Authorized in the Constitution.

Through 2003, Ron Paul had already voted alone, 28 times, against awarding gold medals to anyone .

“It goes back to the same philosophy that gold medals weren’t authorized in the Constitution. These medals don’t cost a lot. They cost $36.000. But my argument on the House floor has been that if we feel that it’s important to honor people, why don’t we donate the money ourselves. And there argument is well it would cost too much but we should use the taxpayer’s money. So my point there is that if you’re willing to bend the rules for seemingly unimportant issues and small amounts of money, you’ll do it for the big issues such as war.”

Ron Paul, C-SPAN Washington Journal, February 6, 2003
Exhibit U: Therefore No gold medals therefore, for Rosa Parks, Ronald and Nancy Reagan, the Dalai Lama, Cardinal O’Conner, Mother Theresa or Tony Blair, among many others
Exhibit V: Denounces Two Wars Hurting Blacks and Minorities. The Wars Overseas and The War On Drugs”

“The point is, when you bring this question up, you're really saying 'you're a racist, or are you a racist?' The answer is no, I'm not a racist.

As a matter of fact, Rosa Parks is one of my heroes, Martin Luther King is a hero, because they practiced the libertarian principle of civil disobedience and nonviolence. Libertarians are incapable of being a racist because racism is a collectivist idea: you see people in groups. A civil libertarian as myself sees everyone as an important individual.

Libertarians are incapable of being a racist because racism is a collectivist idea. You see people in group. A civil libertarian like myself see everybody as an important individual. It's not the color of their skin that is important. As Martin Luther King said. What is important is the character of the people. What's really interesting, though, and this might be behind it because as a Republican candidate I'm getting the most support from black voters and now that has to be undermined.

And I do this because I attack two wars that blacks are suffering from. One, the war overseas. And in all wars minorities suffer the most. So they join me in this position I have against the war in Iraq. And what about the war on drugs? What other candidates will stand up and say I will pardon all blacks, all whites, everybody who were convicted for non-violent drug acts and drug crimes.

And this is where the real discrimination is. Let me finish this. Because I've got to get my message back because you put the other message out. I got to get my message back. Now, if you want to look for discrimination, it's the judicial system. Fourteen percent of the inner city blacks commit drug crime. Sixty seven percent of blacks are in prison. That's discrimination. That's the judicial code that I'm attacking. That's not racism.

What I defend the principle of libertarianism where we never see people who belong to a group, and every individual is defended and protected because they're important as an individual, not because of the color of their skin, but because of their character. So I am the antiracist because I am the only candidate, Republican or Democrat who were protect the minority against these vicious drug laws.”

CNN Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer, January 10, 2008
Exhibit W: What Former Aides Have to Say About Ron Paul

One Former Ron Paul Aide on Confirms Ron Paul is Not a Racist

"I like Ron personally. I'll state categorically I worked for the guy on and off for for almost 15 years and I don't recall EVER hearing ANY racist word or anything even close to a racist word out of his mouth like the "N" word or something derogatory towards Mexican Americans so is he personally a racist? No, absolutely not."

-- Eric Dondero, former aide to Ron Paul

(Note: Eric Dondero differed sharply with Ron Paul over foreign policy and parted company.)

Another Former Ron Paul Aide on Confirms Ron Paul is Not a Racist

“I worked for Ron Paul, in his Washington D.C. office, in 1998-99, seeing him almost every day, and saw absolutely no indication of him being racist, and in fact, I saw many reasons to know he is not racist. I am of Hispanic decent, and quite proud of it.” 

"I have seen nothing, in all my interactions with Ron Paul, to ever suggest to me that he himself is racist. To the contrary, I have every reason to know he is not. And the same goes for his supposed hatred of gays. That is also total hogwash. Ron Paul does not care what someone is. He sees us all as individuals with God given rights. If you value liberty and the Constitution, then you are Ron Paul’s brother or sister in liberty, whatever your color, creed, or sexual preference. "

Former aide defends Ron Paul's charecter; shoots down racist claims, by Stewart Rhodes January 11, 2008
Exhibit X: A Sample of Ron Paul's Congressional Voting Record on Matters Important or Relevant to African Americans

On December 5, 1979 the Hon. Ron Paul voted YES for passage of legislation to Amend H.R. 5461, Martin Luther King Holiday, by designating the 3rd Monday in January rather than January 15 as the legal holiday.
Stubbornly Insisted on Voting for Martin Luther King Day When in Congress in 1979
(Note: Newt Gingrich voted against)

On January 16, 2007, the Hon. Ron Paul of Texas voted YES for passage of H.Res. 61: Observing the Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., and encouraging the people of the United States to observe the Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., and the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and for other purposes.

On February 9,2005 the Ron Paul voted YES on the following "H.Con.Res.26 - Honoring the Tuskegee Airmen for their bravery in fighting for our freedom in World War II, and for their contribution in creating an integrated United States Air Force."

On March 16, 2010, the Hon. Ron Paul voted YES for passage of H.Con.Res. 249: Commemorating the 45th anniversary of Bloody Sunday and the role that it played in ensuring the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
On July 15, 2008, the Hon. Ron Paul of Texas voted YES for passage of H.Res. 1090: Honoring the esteemed former President Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela on the occasion of his 90th birthday.


On March 19, 2010, the Hon. Ron Paul voted YES for passage of H.Res. 1133: Recognizing the extraordinary number of African-Americans who have overcome significant obstacles to enhance innovation and competitiveness in the field of science in the United States.

On June 18, 2010, the Hon. Ron Paul voted YES for passage of H.Con.Res. 242: Honoring and praising the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People on the occasion of its 101st anniversary.

On July 10, 2009, the Hon. Ron Paul voted YES for passage of H.Con.Res. 135: Directing the Architect of the Capitol to place a marker in Emancipation Hall in the Capitol Visitor Center which acknowledges the role that slave labor played in the construction of the United States Capitol, and for other purposes.

On May 1, 1997, the Hon. Ron Paul voted yes for passage of H.Con.Res. 61: Honoring the lifetime achievements of Jackie Robinson.

On June 6, 2000, the Hon. Ron Paul voted YES for passage of H.Res. 509: Recognizing the importance of African-American music to global culture and calling on the people of the United States to study, reflect on, and celebrate African-American music.

On May 8, 2000, the Hon. Ron Paul voted YES for the Passage of H.Con.Res. 296: Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding the necessity to expedite the settlement process for discrimination claims against the Department of Agriculture brought by African-American farmers.

On February 28, 2001, the Hon. Ron Paul voted YES for the Passage of : H. Res. 54 [107th]: Commemorating African American pioneers in Colorado

On February 7, 2007, the Hon. Ron Paul voted YES for the passage of S.Res. 69: A resolution recognizing the African-American spiritual as a national treasure.

On February 14, 2008 the Hon. Ron Paul voted YES for the Passage of: H. Res. 966 [110th]: Honoring African American inventors, past and present, for their leadership, courage, and significant contributions to our national competitiveness


Meet Ron Paul's National Press Secretary for the 2012 Campaign, Gary Howard:


(1) The name of the real author has been discovered.
Go here --->


  1. Wow! This is great! Thank you so much!

    RON PAUL 2012!

  2. Please correct this typo error: We submit that Ron Paul not only isn’t a racist but that he **can** be a racist due to his core Libertarian values and beliefs and his personal faith.

  3. Thanks. Corrected the "can - can't" typo.

  4. Your page either got hacked or someone messed with the code because it's all messed up.

  5. Not hacked. It's blogger's editor. I tried posting some updates and the messed it up several times for no apparent reason. Fortunately there's a back up so I was able to repost it quickly. Thanks for the concern.

  6. Sad that this page is even necessary, but it's important work for a very important cause. Thank you for your efforts. Hopefully, this will lift the veil for many who are confused and confounded by the mainstream media attacks and anonymous Internet postings accusing Dr. Paul of various prejudices. These attackers are grasping at straws in light of his surging grassroots popularity. His ideas are a threat to the status quo in which they have a huge stake in maintaining. This truly is a revolution.

  7. I agree with bob l.

    But its necessary for those who dont yet know who Ron Paul is.

    We know his character is defined in his body of work as a congressman, but those who only know of him through the media and this racist newsletter, it will help bring them over.

    Great job on this blog. Kudos.

    He will not be unheard. I'll be voting in the TX primary. Until then, passing out super brochures. Peace!

  8. Great job Polotik. This should be shared far and wide. The Ron Paul CNN Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer, January 10, 2008 sums it up well.

  9. weird, then how do you explain this? it's not a 20 year old newsletter, but a 2007 meet and greet:

  10. In response to the 2007 meet and greet inquiry: Ron Paul is a nice guy. He takes pictures with anybody who asks. I had a picture taken with him, and a million other people have taken pictures with him. Just because Ron is nice and he takes pictures with anybody who asks does not mean by any stretch of the imagination that he shares their ideology or philosophy. Nor does he ask people what they believe before he stands with them to take a picture or signs their merchandise. I spoke two sentences and a thank you when I met Ron Paul. So, Ron Paul took a picture with Don Black. You think he should screen people? Should he not take pictures with anybody? Such absurdity.

  11. Another video.

  12. I took a picture with Michael Jordan once... i guess I am a rich pro basketball player now. I wish I new where I put that money. I must also be a philanderer.

  13. Also note the 2008 radio interview by the then (and current) President of the Austin NAACP:

  14. Great resource. I've used it to make some revisions to my FAQ on the "racist newsletters".

    Feel free to link to it.

  15. Oh wow, great job for posting all these resources.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
